Hebrew Program
Hebrew learning happens in many different ways at Sukkat Shalom. We offer student only classes, family classes and one on one tutoring with our Master Teacher and Hebrew tutors. If you are moving toward having your child (who will be entering 5th grade in the fall) become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Congregation Sukkat Shalom they need to be enrolled in one of our Hebrew offerings and Family School. Hebrew is open to all our 5th, 6th and 7th grade students.
Hebrew School Registration Form, 2017-2018
The overall goals in our Hebrew program are:
- To learn the Hebrew letters and vowels
- To be able to decode Hebrew properly
- To learn basic Hebrew words based on values, holidays and Jewish literacy
- To play games and perform drills that reinforces and produces strong and confident readers
- To learn key Hebrew prayers
- To learn and understand meaning of key Hebrew prayers
Fifth Grade Hebrew (Alef)
Shalom Uvrachah: The New Hebrew Primer
Teacher: Ronit Levy
- Learn all the letters and vowels
- Emphasize decoding skills
- Develop accurate and fluent reading
- Acquire a small Hebrew vocabulary of key words and concept
Sixth Grade Hebrew (Bet)
Getting Up To Speed – Hebrew Primer
Teacher: Hila Hollingsworth
- Reinforce decoding skills
- Emphasize conversational Hebrew
- Learn basic grammar skills
Seventh Grade Hebrew (Gimel)
Mishkan T’filah
Teacher: Kenny Lyons
- Practice and maintain fluency of Hebrew decoding and reading skills
- Review, learn and focus on key Hebrew prayers central to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah services at Sukkat Shalom
- Discuss and develop understanding of the meaning of Hebrew prayers
- Develop ability to lead key prayers in a service setting
Tutoring Option
Master Teacher: Ronit Levy
Tutors: Shira Sender and Hila Hollingsworth
Tutoring is an excellent opportunity to work one-on-one with our Master Teacher or Hebrew tutors. This enables students to work at their own pace and schedule. If you are unsure of your child’s schedule for the school year and think that he or she may have other activities that will conflict with Hebrew classes, you should consider the tutoring option.
Family Hebrew Track
Sukkat Shalom is proud to offer a Family Hebrew Class for Bet classes (6th grade). Family Hebrew is a rare offering in Hebrew programs around the country and we are thrilled that we have been able to have this class. The family Hebrew class is a great way to bond in a fun and challenging atmosphere. Both parent and child come away with the ability to read Hebrew and gain understanding of the key prayers.
Homework All students are assigned homework to reinforce the material covered in class. Homework should take approximately 10 minutes a week.
Please Note
- All options cover the same material and use the same book.